DecidOtron app for iPhone and iPad
Ever been frustrated over making a decision? Let DecidOtron turn making a difficult choice into a whole lot of fun! Does your family or group ever need to decide who chooses something, like what to watch on TV or where to go for dinner? Do your kids or friends ever need to decide who does something, like eat the last cookie or take out the trash? DecidOtron helps decide in a fast, fun and fair way. The app includes three different games your family or group can play to decide!
Three Games in One
Speed Touch is a race to touch the screen once a light turns green. The first person to touch the
screen gets the checkered flag and wins!
In High Card, players take turns choosing cards from a deck. The player with the highest card wins!
For Coin Toss, an onlooker calls “heads” or “tails,” then the user flips a virtual coin to decide!